
The Songwriting Decks

Created by Friedemann Findeisen

Create memorable hooks, vivid lyrics and beautiful chord progressions with your personal songwriting mentor... as a deck of cards!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Our first stretch goal is unlocked!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 01:50:32 AM

That was quick...

Seriously, wow! Unlocking that Linen Finish on the box didn't take any time at all! Thanks and welcome, new backers! Now that we're funded, the fun part starts, because every new backer makes your songwriting decks better!

Just to recap: All these add ons affect every single copy of the game, so you don't need to pay extra. Your copy will profit from every stretch goal we reach!

What's next?

Our next stretch goal is the one that's honestly the most important for me: Linen finish on the cards. Not many of you will know this, but I'm kind of a card freak (I have over 100 sets of various playing cards from my days as a card magician). Honestly: Getting a linen finish on these cards is a night-and-day difference when it comes to card handling. They shuffle nicer, they fan nicer, they feel nicer... what's not to love? There's a reason you'll never find a single playing card without linen finish in Vegas. 

We need €10,500 for this to unlock. Can we do it in the next 24 hours?

What can you do?

Share this campaign with your friends. Or send it to someone who might enjoy the decks.  It really makes a huge difference and this is truly a win-win-win situation: Your buddy gets a sweet deck out of it and both of you get a better product! I don't know about you, but to me, reaching a new stretch goal always feels like Christmas: Here's another thing you're getting - and you don't have to pay extra for it. 

Talk soon,


We're funded! What's next? (Translations into other languages!)
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 12:42:34 AM

We did it! And 26 more days to go!

Guys, this is unbelievable! Thank you so much for your continued support. Today at 11:41 am Berlin time, we cracked the 9,500€. Which means we still have 26 days to make these cards more awesome. 

What's next?

Next on the list is Stretch Goals! The next 3,000€ will be used to make these cards absolute top quality, so that you will receive a product that looks and feels great and also lasts you a long, long time. 

For that I'd ask you again to please tell others about the campaign, because the more people jump on board, the quicker we will unlock these upgrades, and after that is where the fun really starts. 

German Version

Currently, our second most backing country is Germany at 14% (Unsurprisingly, US is the most with 47%). So I have decided to print a small number of German translations of the Songwriting Decks as well. This is connected to extra costs on my side and I still have to check how much this will end up costing me, so this is not yet completely official. But I'm working on it and you'll be hearing from me on that. 

The question is: Seid ihr interessiert an einer deutschen Version (d.h. die Karten werden einmal komplett übersetzt, mit deutschen Wörtern, Aufgaben und Briefings). Ihr könnt die Sprache nach Abschluss der Kampagne dann im Pledge Manager auswählen und dort auch mehrere Decks bestellen (z.B. auch ein Mix aus englischen und deutschen) um Versandkosten zu sparen. Meldet euch in der "Comments" section auf Kickstarter. 

French, Polish, Spanish, Dutch versions?

I'm still not sure whether it will also make sense to make versions for these languages and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the "Comments" section of the kickstarter if you would be interested in a deck in your language. These would be complete translations of the decks, including the words, prompts and briefings. In the Pledge Manager, you'd be able to order as many decks in any combination of languages as you want. 

Unbelievable! We're at 94%!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 01:41:50 AM

Almost Funded!

Not even 3 days in and we're almost there already! The projections for the campaign are looking good and with the release of the latest video in the Exercises Series yesterday, we got a new amount of new pledges in. Which reminds me...

Exercise #1: Lacking Lines

In case you haven't seen this yet, here's the first proper video in this new series I'm doing on the Songwriting Decks. These are exercises that you can do with or without the decks, the decks just make your life a hell of a lot easier. So without further ado, here's Lacking Lines (2 minutes):  

This is one of my absolute favorite exercises on the songwriting decks and it usually doesn't take long for me to find something inspiring for my songs.  

Share this campaign!

Right now, the most important thing you can do is share this campaign with like-minded people. As I explained in Update #1, the more people that back this project, the better the cards will be, because we will have more money to put towards the production. 

And it doesn't stop with production - even though all the current stretch goals revolve around blinging up the cards (which is a serious upgrade - if he hit all of our current stretch goals the cards will be superior to even the casino standard), I have some cool upgrades planned that you will absolutely love. 

Gift some decks, save on shipping!

Know anyone who might also like one of these decks? Upgrade your pledge to 3 or 10 packs and save on shipping (you can also do this later in our Pledge Manager). 

That's it for now, you'll be hearing from me very shortly when we've hit our goal!

Stay gefährlich,


72% funded! What a great first 24 hours! [Songwriting Decks]
over 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 07:51:57 AM

72% funded!

So it's been a little under 24 hours now and we've hit our goal of reaching 40% within the first 48 hours within 9 - that's good! If you can believe the statistics, that means we will fund. The question is just: How high? Which stretch goals will we unlock? More on that later. 

So what can you do with these decks?

For now, thank you very much for becoming a backer and supporting Holistic Songwriting. I truly think that these decks will become a part of your daily routine once you know how to use them. 

And so you know just what you can do with the decks, I have created a series of 15 videos which will show you my favorite exercises. The first one of these videos is already online and you can watch it here:

I will drop in by every other day to give you an update on the campaign, tell you about unlocked stretch goals (if any) and send you a new exercise. 

Stretchgoals - what's the deal?

So what are stretchgoals and why are they important? Here's a short overview:

The more people that back a campaign, the more cards I can buy from the manufacturer. The more cards I can buy, the cheaper each individual set of cards becomes. Now I could of course take this additional money for myself, but it's much more fun to put it back into the production and use it to make the decks better!

That means: The more money we make from the campaign (including the money made post-campaign in our pledge manager), the better the decks will become. 

The best part? If you want to make these decks better, you don't have to spend a cent more - simply sharing this campaign online will already make a HUGE difference. The more backers, the better the product. Cool, right? 

I'll go more into depth on what our stretchgoals are once we've hit our funding goal. For now, my goal is to reach the 9,500€ by Monday morning. 

Talk soon & stay gefährlich,
